Everyone, or at least most people, know the benefits of sports for physical, mental and emotional health, right?

In the same way, extreme sports – or adrenaline sports – provide several benefits for our health, after all the release of the adrenaline hormone is fundamental to stimulate our body!

But why is it so important?

Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal medulla, located just above the kidneys, and is released after stimulation of nerve endings. Through these stimuli, the body reacts in several ways, since the goal of the hormone is to prepare the body for adverse situations, in order to preserve it.

So when we practice some extreme sport that releases adrenaline, we will have immediate benefits such as:

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure, improving the flow of blood to various organs and muscles;
  • Activation of the brain, leaving it more alert, with faster reactions, immediate memory gain, and prepared to work at high performance;
  • Acceleration of the breathing rate and opening of the pulmonary bronchi, important for the lungs to work better;
  • Dilation of the pupils, making it easier to see in dark or low-light environments;
  • Stimulation of extra energy production, by transforming glycogen and fat into sugars, which helps in the ability to move;
  • Slowing down the digestion process, so that the body avoids wasting energy unnecessarily;
  • Increased sweat production, which helps the body to cool down and function better.

So you mean that by surfing I can release adrenaline? That’s it!

Besides providing a unique lifestyle that is desired by many people, surfing reduces anxiety, stress and also brings several benefits to the physical body

– Increased strength, balance, respiratory capacity, agility, and motor coordination.