In fact, it is not only adrenaline that unites the three sports and their practitioners. Understand the relationship below!

Surfing, the pioneer

Surfing is the elder of boardsports. Although its origin is quite uncertain, the most widespread version is that the Polynesians were the first people to catch waves. However, there is evidence of surfing in several other civilizations.

The Mouches, who came before the Incas, for example, already used their boats to catch waves on the Peruvian coast. In addition, the book “Afrosurf”, released by Sal Masekela, deals with the discovery of surfing in the African continent based on reports made by European navigators in the 17th century and, recently, an Italian historian defended the thesis that surfing was also practiced in China more than a thousand years ago.


But it was at the end of the 20th century that the Hawaiians transformed the activity into a sport. Shortly afterwards, during an almost wave-free season in California, young people wanted to “imitate” the sensation of surfing in the empty pools of summer houses, and thus skateboarding developed.


Snowboarding, on the other handBeing the youngest, it has better known origins. American Sherman Poppen is the official inventor of the sport. In 1965, he put two skis together with a rope to act as a board and called it a “snurfer” – a combination of snow and surfer.

During the 1980s, the sport gained popularity and it was from there that the International Federation

And what is the relationship between these sports?

Surfing deals with the change and inconstancy of the sea, while skateboarding and snowboarding deal with the danger of falling, which can result in very serious injuries.

Surf and snow are similar in the height of the airs, however, in technical terms, the maneuvers of the winter sport are more similar to skateboarding, especially in the halfpipe (U-shaped track) and slopestyle (snow track with handrails and obstacles).

The main difference between snowboarding and the other two sports is that the board is attached to the rider’s feet. This ultimately brings safety, since there is a risk of falling from several meters high onto a snowy mountain.

Despite being the youngest cousin among the three sports, snow was the first to enter the Olympic Games. The feat happened in Nagao-1998, while surfing and skateboarding only debuted in Tokyo-2020 (which due to the pandemic, was in the year 2021).