10 things you may not know about snow!

Snow is a meteorological phenomenon that consists of the precipitation of flakes formed by ice crystals. Yeah, but you already know that, right?

Let’s talk about things that
you don’t know.

  1. There are about 9 types of snow.

Yes! And each of them has its own peculiarity. Snowflakes, snow grains, ice grains, graupel, hail, freezing rain, snow water, and others.

  1. Speaking of snow types, snow-water is a phenomenon that resembles heavy snow, and when it touches the surface, it turns into water. It usually happens before the real snow!

It’s that very thin snow that if it gets a little colder, turns into the snow that everyone likes!

  1. Avalanches are formed because of thicker snow that has accumulated in steep places.
  2. Hail is a phenomenon where there are falling stones of ice. Some meteorologists don’t consider it ‘snow’, can you believe it?
  3. When the snow is gone, all that is left is a lot of ice and mud on the street. So slips, tumbles, and laughs are guaranteed.
  4. Snow is not white.

It just reflects the light around it, and then the colors of all the light frequencies are combined and resemble the white tone.

  1. You know when you see the branches of trees with ice? That’s called synchronicity, and it happens when there is fog and very low temperatures. (from -2ºC to -8ºC)
  2. In low temperature situations it is necessary to watch out for the formation of thin layers of ice on the ground.

Normally they are transparent – which makes it difficult to see – but they are super-slippery and can lead to serious accidents.

  1. Say no to wool gloves on snowy days. They get wet easily and may freeze around your hand!
  2. Your shoes define who you are in the snow! They can be your best friends or worst enemies.

You should bet on non-slip boots to be able to walk peacefully on snow and ice.

Did you like to know a little more about snow? It is always good to know more, after all, for each type of snow there is an equipment and technique to have fun in it!

Source: brasileirosemushuaia