Carving Clinic IV !SOLD OUT ! !SOLD OUT! !SOLD OUT!

    Arriving on Friday ,february 2rd you will be received by the crew and set your @elevated_surfcraft equipment ready for the weekend. We will start the day with a very generous breakfast at NeveSurf House, in order to be ready to meet with the certified snowboarding instructor @stefano_toselli and @manumelia86 from @scuoladiscibreuil and @elevated_surfcraft core member @juliogiannoni A.K.A @_themoustacheguy_ at the base of one of the most famous mountains in Europe, The Matterhorn.

    They will guide you-along with the crew-through the whole process of unlocking one of the most beautiful maneuvers in snowsurfing, the carve.
    Everything will be recorded by our core member and longtime friend @marianobeck who is always ready to capture the perfect snowsurfing momentum.

    Be ready to find yourself in one of the most unique and unforgettable snowsurfing experiences.


Carving Clinic
Group Day 1 Carving Clinic Vol2-1
Group Day 1 Carving Clinic Vol2-2
carving clinic
Group Day 1 Carving Clinic